Monday February 1, 2016
This week Cox Shimai and I have been really focusing on
strengthening and uplifting the members. There is an awesome talk that
we read about how important it is as members to share our testimony and
beliefs with those we love! This isn't just a message for Latter-Day
Saints, it's a message that everyone needs to know. That through God's
prophet Joseph Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ and His authority have
been brought back, restored. And it is only through following the
principles of His gospel that we can find true peace and happiness in
this life and never-ending joy with our families in the life to come. I
would definitely recommend this talk by Elder M. Russell Ballard `Put your Trust in the Lord` from October 2013 General Conference. It's
Lowe Shimai
Beautiful Naha on our morning run (:
Bundled for the week of winter
Bearman Shimai & me with Shomoji Michiko
The day Bearman Shimai left me
The week of winter!!! How nice that must be. Love you lots!